Using a TRX this focuses on using bodyweight to train for muscular endurance and stability. This exercise benefits the core, the shoulders, and the chest. The important factor in this is to keep the core engaged so that the body doesn’t wobble during movement. A TRX can be found with this link.
Side planks target the stability of the obliques as part of core muscular endurance. These muscles are often overlooked, but should be part of any balanced workout routine.
From the standard plank or pushup rest position, there are a number of ways to train stability. All of these variations will increase stability in the shoulders and the core. Should the exercise require an additional challenge, a Weight Vest can be used for an additional challenge.
This video contains proper form for:
Shoulder Taps
Plank Walks
Sandbag Drags
Freaky Planks
This stability exercise is especially beneficial for competition shooters, but is helpful for anyone trying to improve the muscular endurance of their core and paraspinal muscles. This leads to increased stability as the cable/resistance band will pull constantly, and you have to keep it stable in one place.
V-Ups are a core exercise that focuses on muscular endurance, but can lean more toward strength and stability since activation energy is much higher per repetition in this particular exercise.
This is a more challenging exercise that really does require the activation of all core muscles. By always balancing on only the butt and moving both the upper and lower body up and down, the stability of the core is constantly being activated. In addition the muscular endurance of the whole muscle group is being addressed at the same time.
This video contains correct form for:
Atomic Situps
Atomic Situps (beginner)
This core exercise develops muscular endurance and stability primarily of the lower back, but also helps the glutes, hamstrings, paraspinal muscles, and activates the rest of the core. This exercise can be done to great effect with just bodyweight, but can also be done with weight after a certain level of fitness is reached.
This video contains proper form for:
Bodyweight Bridge
Single-Leg Bridge
Bench Bridge
Most gyms have this apparatus that can be used for various exercises. In regards to core exercise though, the arms braced on the sides while raising either the knees up to the chest or legs parallel to the ground. This core exercise focuses on muscular endurance of the abdominals and the stability of the shoulders and core.
This video contains proper form for:
Knee Raises
Straight Leg Raises
Leg lifts are core exercise that target the lower abdominals and hip flexors. It will improve the muscular endurance of these muscle groups
This core exercise is all about core stability. It requires the activation of the core to balance and then perform the actual rotation action. This can be done with or without a held plate weight/medicine ball. The emphasis without a weight is to rotate as fast as possible while maintaining balance. The emphasis with a weight is to maintain balance with the added weight changing your center of gravity.
Mountain climbers are a dynamic core exercise that train muscular endurance and power with abdominal muscles. Also helps with developing stability strength with the abdominals and shoulders. This exercise should always be done in a fixed time interval. To increase the challenge, you can add a Weight Vest while training.
Flutter kicks are a great training exercise for the muscular endurance of the abdominals and hip flexors. They primarily target the lower abdominals which means that they target the muscles that people care about aesthetically and are imperative for activities such as running, swimming, and stability during dynamic movements for other sports.
This video contains proper form for:
Flutter Kicks
Scissor Kicks
Planks are a simple core stability exercise that will improve the muscular endurance of the abdominal muscles and some shoulders. They can be done with or without weight for added challenges once time alone isn’t enough of a challenge.